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Top 10 Benefits of Senior Services in the Town of Huntington

Town of Huntington cares about its Seniors and aims to provide a multitude of helpful services. Many of the programs and services may not be familiar to you but could be extremely helpful if you or someone you know are looking for assistance, support, activities to stay active and much more! Caregivers can also find valuable resources as well. 

Here are the Top 10  benefits for Seniors provided for by the Town of Huntington

10. Trips & Clubs- seniors can stay active by joining the various clubs located throughout the township and trips that are offered throughout the year Fun excursions keep attendees young in mind, body and spirit. 

9.  Home Delivered Meals-  is the Town of Huntington’s nutrition program providing a home delivered meal to eligible seniors residing within the community.  Senior citizens who qualify for this program receive a hot, ready to eat nutritional meal delivered Monday through Friday.  To inquire about eligibility requirements please call 631-421-1273.  

8.  Public transportation-  is available on the HART bus system (fixed schedule) and paratransit (curb-to-curb) transportation requiring advance scheduling for those who qualify.

7. Senior Participation Discount List - seniors can obtain a membership card which allows them to receive discounts from various merchants through the Town of Huntington. 

6. Telephone Reassurance- a program that provides a telephone contact for seniors who are home-bound or live alone. It insures that someone will have regular contact with the senior, see how they are dong and give them an opportunity to talk and satisfy a need if one presents itself. 

5. Nutrition Programs- talented kitchen staff prepares an average of 350 nutritious meals a day for our Senior Center and Home Delivered Meal Programs. 

4. Adult Day Care- Services are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.  A structured program of daily activities, crafts, parties with live entertainment, and day trips that help maintain physical and cognitive abilities, socialization, companionship and enhanced self-esteem are provided.

3. Residential Repair-  service is available to homeowners 60 years of age or over not including major construction.  Residents are responsible for paying for parts and supplies only.  There is no charge for labor.  Repairs may include installing handrails/grab bars, installing/removing air conditioners, door repairs, lock installation, faucet repairs/replacement, home safety issues, and minor masonry.

2. EISEP (Expanded In-Home Services For the Elderly Program)- provides non-medical services for Huntington residents age 60 and older who are unable to perform home management tasks (laundry, bill payments, making/changing beds etc.). 

1. Senior Beach House & Cottage-  set at Centerport Beach, there are on-going programs throughout the year.  Open Sundays year-round. Contact TOH for more info about day and hours when open. 

"Our goal for Town of Huntington seniors is to provide an exciting, informative, caring, social and positive environment. In addition, to being a Suffolk County Nutrition Site, we offer a wide variety of programs, events, activities, trips, volunteer opportunities, community clubs, resource referrals and support services. Our programs include a social model Adult Day Care, Caregiver Support and Respite, Residential Repair, Home Delivered Meals, and In-Home Services (EISEP). We strive to instill a sense of belonging, purpose, growth, friendship and support. We are so fortunate to have a second senior location, the Senior Beach House, which overlooks beautiful Centerport Bay. Whether one chooses to relax and simply enjoy the view or partake in art lessons, cards/games, parties, swimming, pavilion rentals, bocce, shuffleboard, kayaking or exercise - it's a wonderful experience.
The Town of Huntington Senior Division delivers services, programs, support and advocacy to independent Huntington seniors (age 60 and older) at the Senior Center."

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